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My Red Lobster Rewards Mobile Application Tech Tips

For iPhone, tap on the Settings icon; find and tap "Safari". Locate "Clear History and Website Data" item and tap on it to clear your cache, cookies, and history.

Tap on the Settings icon; find and tap "Safari". Locate "Cookies" and tap on it then look for "Privacy and Security". In "Privacy and Security", find the "Block All Cookies" setting and make sure the button is slid to the left.

Find and tap on the Settings icon; then find and tap "Safari". Locate "Advanced" and open it, then look for "Javascript". To enable Javascript, slide the button to the right.

To check the version, go to Settings > General > About. To update the version, go to Settings > General > Software Update.

Find and open the Chrome (Google) app. In the top right of the Chrome app, click "More". Find and tap "History". At the top, choose a time range. To delete everything, select "All Time". Check the boxes next to "Clear Browsing History", "Clear cookies and site data" and "Clear the cache", then tap "Clear data."

On Android devices, find and open Chrome (Google). In the Chrome window, click the three dots in the top or bottom right corner. Click "More", then "Settings", then "Site Settings", then "Cookies". Enable cookies by sliding the button to the right.

On Android devices, find and open Chrome (Google). In the Chrome window, click the three dots in the top or bottom right corner. Click "More", then "Settings", then "Site Settings", then "Javascript". To enable Javascript, make sure the button is slid to the right.

On Android devices, go to Settings > Date and Time. On Apple devices go to Settings > General > Date & Time.